The Reboot! Accelerator: Fast Diagnosis, Fast Alignment
Giving you the tools to “Reboot” yourself, your leaders, your teams or your entire organization.
Realign your team(s) and get ready to create the future of your organization
- Do you feel like you and your team are stuck in the day to day doing of things and many aspects of the running of the organization don’t make the agenda? There may or may not be anything obviously wrong. Or maybe there is. But this is not a good enough state of affairs.
- If you are ‘doing well’ (congratulations!), it is also the best time to look at your next level of possibilities.
- If you are one of those leaders who say, what’s next? Reboot will give you the pathways to the answers.
For some the term “Reboot” may have an unfavourable connotation: “Why reboot if we are not broken?” yet looking in the mirror and correcting stumbling blocks and reinforcing positives is both beneficial for the organization and for individuals with leadership roles, no matter where they sit.
This programme is a powerful stimulus to aligning a team, bringing a fresh way of looking at things and of refreshing ideas and giving your team, or whole organization, a common sense of purpose and drive.
But to do this, you need some tools. Amongst other things you need to identify those corporate taboos and ‘elephants in the room’ that prevent you from any serious advance. We will give you those tools and will take you through managing this process either with you team, or your whole organization. We help you build a new narrative, the “Big Story” about what you want to hear months or years from now; and the small stories that you need in order to build the big one.
The Reboot! programme gives you the tools to carry out a rapid review of your organization, and the means to capture and articulate how the organization wishes to be seen in the future.
What you will learn
This high intensity, accelerated course takes you through a process of discovery and identification of both the stumbling blocks and enablers you may face as you look to “Reboot”, giving you the tools to prepare for the future of your team or organization. This is an in-depth programme which will enable you to shortcut weeks of discussions and pseudo-brainstorming and quickly:
- Uncover and learn how to review 12 aspects of the organization (both enablers and blockers) including Sacred Cows, Elephants in the Room, Heroes, Positive Behaviours etc.
- Understand how to craft your ultimate “Reboot Game Plan”, complete with actions and accountabilities to achieve immediate, trackable, impact.
Reboot! is not a ‘training game’ but a serious approach to organizational strategy and effectiveness which ensures:
- Fast diagnosis of what’s really going on in the organization
- Openness and transparency
- A Lego game plan – suitable for tracking progress and accountabilities
This course will equip you with the tools needed to run a “Reboot” of your own team or organization.

To register your interest in the Reboot! Accelerator which will be offered in a variety of formats, please complete the form below