Webinar: The Myths of Change


Traditional management and a great deal of academic thinking is responsible for the colossal failure of ‘change programmes’.

The first in our series of webinars debunks uncontested assumptions in this area and uncovers the alternatives, whilst considering why this debunking of myths is even more relevant today in the current exceptional Covid-19 environment.

To change to ‘the new normal’ we must think and act differently in the management of our organizations, particularly in the areas of change and transformation. We must abandon change as something imposed in favour of people becoming true agents. Organizations that have mastered this have been in ‘the new normal’ for a while!


To change to ‘the new normal’ we must think and act differently in the management of our organizations, particularly in the areas of change and transformation.

Most so-called ‘change management programmes’ fail. Traditional change management focuses on ‘change attitudes and mindsets’, hierarchical influence, traditional comms channels and top-down leadership. But actually, in today’s organizations, there is no way to shape large scale behavioural and cultural change other than as a social movement. For this, you need behaviours, peer-to-peer influence, informal networks, storytelling and distributed leadership.

You can access this video via a downloadable Pdf.