Accreditation: Applied Critical Thinking: A Better Way


A fast route to uncover the truth behind the assumptions. The Dr Leandro Herrero Institute has its own definition of Applied Critical Thinking (ACT). The emphasis on the ‘applied’ is not simply pragmatic and reductionist but based upon the belief that the habit of healthy questioning, and the awareness of how your mind may trick you, is a behavioural skill that can be established and that can provide extraordinary healthy results.

In this course we will walk you through the 4 key questioning techniques – designed to uncover the truth underneath any situation – and give you the tools you need to upskill your team/department/organization to do the same by

  • Introducing you to a simple yet powerful toolkit for ACT
  • Helping you to apply these principles to everyday life within your organization
  • Using real case studies to explain and explore the most common and relevant Mind Traps – cognitive biases; fallacies and cognitive dissonance

This is a 6 hour course and the October, 2024 session takes place October 9 & 10 from 13:00 to 17:00

Click here for full product details

Start: 09/10/2024
Finish: 10/10/2024
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