Digital Seminar: Changeability Rules


This two-part digital seminar, delivered by Dr Leandro Herrero, addresses a growing need to challenge established change management practices. Dr Herrero will explain the universal rules needed for successful organizational change, cultural evolution and social transformation.

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This two-part digital seminar, delivered by Dr Leandro Herrero, addresses a growing need to challenge established change management practices.

Historically, many change methods thrived when conditions were stable and easily navigable. “When the sea was calm, all ships looked similar. They show mastership in floating,” Shakespeare observed in Coriolanus. But calm waters have become a distant memory. Today, the waters are tumultuous, and our vessels have grown larger but less suitable for white water. Most existing ‘change methodologies’ leave organizations perfectly ‘prepared for the past’.

Now more than ever, it is essential to steer through change with renewed vigour. The need to understand and apply universal rules for organizational change, cultural evolution, social transformation, or any change with significant and lasting impact is greater than ever. These rules are the compass that will guide us through the turbulent waters of today and the future.